A monthly guide to stuff we think is cool

A new issue every
Friday morning


Liz Pelly
Liz was the former assistant music editor of the Boston Phoenix and current weekend editor for Stereogum. She has strong feelings about Polar seltzer water, the BPD crackdown on DIY shows, and keeping her wardrobe impressively monotone. E-mail Liz at lizpelly at gmail dot com

Faye Orlove
Faye was a former production artist for the Boston Phoenix. Currently, she splits her time between working nights at the Middle East, pedi-cabbing Boston tourists to Fenway park, and calling her mom crying. She enjoys nachos, riding her bike, and pretending Hole songs were written just for her. E-mail Faye at fayeorlove at gmail dot com or visit her personal website at resilientbastard.com

Matt Orlove
Matt used to work for NASA (which his sister thinks is the coolest thing ever). He is currently a software engineer for Captial One (which his sister thinks is less cool but she's still proud of him). His interests include video games, comic books, the J. Crew catalog, and Oreo milkshakes. E-mail Matt at mattheworlove at gmail dot com


BUFU Records
BUFU is a label from Boston, MA (Jamaica Plain represent!). They love putting out rock-n-roll and they love rock-n-rolling at concerts. They put out music all sorts of bands they love! They’ve got CD’s, tapes, buttons, shirts, records and more. They also make lots of tacos. They book shows in the area as well so hit them up if you want to rock-n-roll with them. Want to get involved? Want to join the BUFU family? Find them at BUFURECORDS.COM!

Chris Keene
Chris is the lead singer of Mean Creek and has an impressive collection of VHS tapes and stuffed animals in his closet. He likes singing and playing guitar to songs from the acclaimed albums "Pinkerton" by Weezer, "Kerplunk!" by Green Day, and "Speak Now" by Taylor Swift. Chris thinks no one likes him so ignore any text messages from him explaining why he was "an asshole." It just means he likes you.

Bella Ortiz-Wren
Bella is a doodler at Marlboro College. She enjoys long naps on the beach, breakfast foods, and wearing socks with sandals. Listen to her heavenly music here: http://bellas.bandcamp.com/

Ali Donohue
Ali is a full time cat enthusiast and pizza lover and a part time freelancer and waitress. Ali helped organize Smash it Dead Fest for the past two years with some of her favorite people and is already stoked for the fest to happen again in 2014. She plays in the bands Tomboy, Fleabite, Greasepile, and Shrew. Ali "loves DIY concerts."

Ethan Silverstein
Ethan once got $100 from a drunk millionaire impressed that Ethan stood up for a friend outside a Bruins game. Ethan's just a good dude like that. One of the best. Contact him at ethanethan at riseup dot net and feel free to throw more hundred$ his way.

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