A monthly guide to stuff we think is cool

A new issue every
Friday morning


Liz Pelly
Liz was the former assistant music editor of the Boston Phoenix and current weekend editor for Stereogum. She has strong feelings about Polar seltzer water, the BPD crackdown on DIY shows, and keeping her wardrobe impressively monotone. E-mail Liz at lizpelly at gmail dot com

Faye Orlove
Faye was a former production artist for the Boston Phoenix. Currently, she splits her time between working nights at the Middle East, pedi-cabbing Boston tourists to Fenway park, and calling her mom crying. She enjoys nachos, riding her bike, and pretending Hole songs were written just for her. E-mail Faye at fayeorlove at gmail dot com or visit her personal website at resilientbastard.com

Matt Orlove
Matt used to work for NASA (which his sister thinks is the coolest thing ever). He is currently a software engineer for Captial One (which his sister thinks is less cool but she's still proud of him). His interests include video games, comic books, the J. Crew catalog, and Oreo milkshakes. E-mail Matt at mattheworlove at gmail dot com


Ari Spool
Ari Spool will be the next mayor of New York City. Previously, she was the editor of Impose Magazine and 'SUP Magazine; she currently attends The New School for Public Engagement.

Grace Ambrose
Grace lives in Philadelphia, where she works at a contemporary art museum and takes on too many projects. Along with the other members of the DIY PHL collective she is currently planning First Time's the Charm, a show of brand new bands (fttc2013.tumblr.com). E-mail her at grace.ambrose at gmail dot com

Supriya Gunda
Supriya is the target audience for that infamous Onion article, "Find The Thing You're Most Passionate About, Then Do It On Nights And Weekends For The Rest Of Your Life", and has managed to maintain fairly prolific nights and weekends. A medical software programmer by day and a musician, impassioned cat owner, artist, and semi-charmed writer by night and weekend, Supriya can be found playing in the bands Bent Shapes, Lost Twin, and Digital Prisoners of War. Her musings on the Cheez-It brand cracker can be found on-line @SupriyaG603

Jill Spisak
Jill is a 20 y/o student and slime font enthusiast who tweets under @BikiniJill. See her on your college campus // baggie full of gummy worms.

Ariana Natale
Air is a filmmaker and photographer who lives with her cat currently. She will be in New York next, and then whatever state in this fine nation her divining quarters point to when she consults the oracle while laundering. Anyone want to collab on an art piece documenting the rally for marriage equality in D.C. and SF Pride this past year? Anyone need a videographer or photographer for their queer/trans/poly wedding? Anyone want a valentine? Everyday is a good one for meeting strangers. www.ariananatale.com

Joe Difazio
Joe Difazio is a photographer, writer, and videographer based in Boston. If you need to know where to go to get pizza in several major cities, he's your go to. You can keep up with his work at bearandtheworld.blogspot.com

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