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<3 URSULA <3
An interview with Sonam and Caity

We fvcking love Ursula. Ursula is a loud thrashy punk duo from Boston made of Sonam and Caity. They have a sick demo online that you should check out. URSULA is playing night one of Smash it Dead Fest tonight. We asked them some questions about their influences, their first practice, why they are moving to LA soon, and more.

HI URSULA. What's up? How are things in Boston right now?

Hellllooooooo. Boston is OK. It's sunny!!!!

Can you tell us the Ursula origin story? What was your first practice like?

Sonam got her drum kit in a funny way. It was from this druggy artist moving to Thailand for good in order to achieve "total hedonism". He had to get rid of all of his possessions quickly, so he just gave her the whole thing. Caity got her guitar from a shitty dude who didn't deserve to have it.

One day Sonam set up the kit in the living room, Caity brought out her guitar. Neither of us learned how to play or knew how to extensively beforehand. We didn't discuss it, just started playing at the same time and it made sense somehow. We wrote half of our songs that first or second time.

We don't even remember meeting. We just kind of . . . happened.

What kind of stuff does Ursula write songs about?

Intestines, spit, dying, cum, hair and blood . . . etc.

The song 'cub scout' from your demo sticks out while listening... can you tell us about that song?

That's a song we wrote together. It's about being followed at night when you're walking alone. We wrote it because it happened to one of us (again). It's disgusting to think any human feels entitled to the personal space and body of somebody else. We were wondering what this dude would do if his sister got followed. Or his mom. Bet he'd be pretty pissed.

Can you tell us about why you are excited to be playing Smash it Dead fest?

We're excited primarily because it's a fundraiser for BARCC, the Boston Area Rape Crisis Center. BARCC is integral, they offer a lot of things including trauma response, counseling, and most important, support for victims and survivors. It's really, really important that places like BARCC to exist and continue growing.

Also, the coolest bands are playing!!! It's Curmudgeon's last show ever and we're stoked to play it. Not to mention Katherine, +HIRS+, Street Eaters, ONJ and Trophy Knife!

In your opinion what makes fest like this particularly relevant/important in Boston?

It's important to Boston because not only does it raise money for BARCC, it also creates awareness. SID creates a community of support for folks who need it. It's a way for cool people to meet other cool people. Hopefully it also causes folks to consider why we need a fest such as this in the first place.

What about living/ playing music in Boston has been inspiring for you? What are some of your favorite Boston bands / venues / places to hang?

Everybody is really encouraging. Our friends play music and are in really cool bands -- it's very motivating. We promised each other we would never, ever play a show . . . that changed really fast. Everybody around us was so encouraging and helpful and supportive.

Our favorite Boston band and band in general right now is Pucker Up. They are so good. They're kinda like our horrendous older brothers. We love them so much. Trophy Knife is incredible, and so is Disipline! Also love Dogg (they moved), New England Patriots and Skimask (R.I.P).

We love playing our friends houses the most. As for places to hang . . . we're usually on some stoop in lower Allston.

I saw that Ursula just played Ladyfest Baltimore, how was that? Favorite sets/moments?

It was so cool!!! The volunteers were so nice, all of the sets were really fun and different. Our favorites were Sneaks, Post Pink, Sick Fix, and Trophy Knife.

Y'all are moving to LA soon! Why are you moving?

We love Boston so much, we have to leave. Does that make sense?

[Editors' note: yes that definitely makes sense.]

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